Competition Organization

The competition consists of two phases:

The preparatory stage. It consists of courses and debates relevant to the contest theme which are held and delivered by Romanian and foreign university teachers well –known for their experience and expertise in the field of teaching reading. The preparatory courses will be held in the language chosen by students, namely: Romanian (including the Romanian students living in the diaspora), English or French (for students of other nationalities).

A written test. It held at the end of the prep stage. In preparing their papers, students will make use of their language and literature knowledge, as well as of their experience and reading competences. They needn’t have studied Romanian literature or language, for they will have to approach only excerpts from books, not entire literary works. The writers proposed are selected from the World Literature. The structure of the topics and the marking grids, they are in conformity with European reference framework LiFT-2.


The test lasts for three hours and includes three items:

  • the first one assesses a fictional text comprehension and its literary analysis (50% of the score)
  • the second one focuses on a non-fictional text comprehension and its analysis (35% of the score);
  • the third one assesses a multimodal text comprehension and its analysis (55% of the score).

The answers can be written in Romanian, English, French, Italian, Spanish, German or Russian. Students can choose the language they are most fluent in from among the above mentioned languages.


The papers are assessed according to an assessment grid and the maximum score numbers 60 points. The participants can challenge only the score of the written test. The final score is set upon the re-assessment of the papers. In case of equal scores, there are two tiebreak criteria specific to the written test:

  • the score got on the first item
  • the score got on the third item